We would love to hear from you! Please select the department that you would like to get in touch with. DepartmentPressAdvertisingApply to become a "contributor"Apply to become a "featured photographer"Submit newsAll other enquiriesPress ContactAdvertising ContactContributors ContactPhotographers ContactSubmit NewsGeneral ContactFor all press enquiries and information fill out the following form to contact Frederick Boutry: GUSmen is looking for writers with a gay point of view on everything that interests the urban man.All work samples should be sent in English.Apply to become part of our regular group of contributing writers:GUSmen is looking for photographers!Send us a sample of your work and if you are selected you can become a featured photographer with the following benefits:Featured photographers will have their photos displayed on GUSmen’s homepage. Their images will receive a privileged and reserved space of 940 x 375px right below the GUSmen logo. Every time the page reloads it will display a new aleatory image from the featured photographer. The full collection of 5 to 10 chosen photographs will also be featured under “photography”.Every featured photographer will also have a personal profile which will include: a portrait, a biography, contact details and website link.Black and white photos will be given preference.All chosen photographs will be credited to their creator.To apply send us the following information:Name* First Last Email* Website MessageYour sources (important)*Send us a sample of your work (3 to 5 photos, jpg, small files please!):Image 1Image 2Image 3Image 4Image 5Image if necessarySample of your work: This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.