Fighting homophobia with a beautiful love song – “de l’Amour”

To fight against LGBTphobies, nearly 70  French personalities have gathered voluntarily to answer by a song “De L’amour”.

Because in too many countries of the world being homosexual or transgender is still considered a crime punishable by imprisonment or the death penalty, because with more than 15% of additional physical assaults registered in France in 2018 (by compared to the previous year), they are still not free to love themselves or assume their identity, even in our country.

Launched in 2017, Emergency Chechnya, now called Emergency Homophobia, has helped more than 40 refugees and refugees in danger of death in their country. Thanks to donations and generosity, Anna Scherbakova, Victoria Safontseva, William Melanie, Benjamin Gauthier, Patxi Garat and Alexandre Olenine were able to save these courageous people. Each gesture allows Urgence Homophobie to act on a daily basis to welcome and support persecuted LGBTQI + people.
All recipes of the clip and the song will be donated to Urgence Homophobie to help them in their fight.

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